Joris Schildknecht

invisible cake vegan

Invisible Cake

Invisible Cake The French “gâteau invisible”, also called “invisible cake”, is a unique and delicious dessert or sweet treat from French cuisine. Gâteau invisible is a delicious treat, and healthy too as it is packed with fruit. And even more so for our low fat plant-based version. Where does the name Invisible Cake come from?

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Elderflower syrup

The joy of spring Yaa, elderflower, that makes us very happy. Our chef has wonderful childhood memories of it: his mother tried out all kinds of food and a highlight of his childhood memories are the crêpes with elderflower syrup. The great thing about elderflower syrup is that you can store it for months, so

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pangrattato in a jar


Pangrattato Pangrattato is an Italian breadcrumb topping that has become increasingly popular in recent years. It is made by toasting breadcrumbs in olive oil with seasonings, and is often used as a crunchy topping for pasta dishes, roasted vegetables, or soups. The name “pangrattato” means “grated bread” in Italian, and it has its roots in

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