Vegan Fermentation

What is vegan fermentation, what can be done with it, why should you do it and, the key question, how do you actually go about it? In this workshop Vegan Fermentation, you will get to work with three exciting fermentation techniques that will transform vegetables and legumes into even healthier products, full of flavour and probiotics.

Fermentation technique no. 1 in this workshop is the lactic acid fermentation. This technique can be used to make sauerkraut and Kimchi, but it can also be used on almost all vegetables and they all become even tastier. Fermentation technique no. 2 is fermenting with the Rhizopus oligosporus mold to make your own tempeh from legumes, nuts and vegetables. Your pulses will become tastier, more easily digestible and you will even increase the nutritional value with this technique. Fermentation technique No. 3 is the Koji fermentation (also used for soy sauce and miso) to make “charcuterie” from vegetables.  This fermentation, along with brining and dehydrating your vegetables, will add a delicious bite and savouriness to your vegetables. The result is delicious to thinly sliced as a snack, on a crostini, in your pasta and many other possibilities.

The Vegan Academy will help you get to grips with fermenting vegetables in this fun, hands-on workshop on fermenting vegetables. Oh, did we mention how healthy fermented vegetables really are?

What does the workshop look like?

Together, we go through the theory and look at the right fermenting preconditions (hygiene, temperature, humidity, salt content). We discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of fermentation with the various fermentation techniques. We do have a tasting of various fermented products. After that, you get to work with the recipes and start a number of fermentations, which you take home afterwards to ferment further. You will be provided with two jars with a water seal in which you can do your lactic acid fermentation. This can be sauerkraut or kimchi, but maybe you will be inspired to ferment beetroot with onions? You will also take along legumes and tempeh starter, which you can leave at home to ferment in a warm place to make tempeh. You will also receive a sachet with Koji starter to make your own vegetable charcuterie at home, according to the method you learned during the workshop.


What have you learnt afterwards?

You now know the conditions for successfully starting a plant-based, which products are suitable to use, and you know the basic ingredients needed for fermentation. You’ll have learned which fermentation needs need a starter and which don’t, and you’ll know which flavourings you can use for fermentation. You can now start working at home and improvise your own recipes. Not only that, but you have also learnt to easily make a fermentation box at home with materials you can buy online. In the reader, you will also find tips on where to buy certain products (such as the right fermentation starters).

Are you excited to learn more? Book your ticket now.

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The event is finished.

Sold out!


Mar 13 2023


deur open 17.15
17:30 - 21:00




Amersfoort / Het Lokaal
Amersfoort / Het Lokaal
Oliemolenhof 90, 3812 PB Amersfoort

1 thought on “Vegan Fermentation”

  1. Hallo,
    was er op 1 4 November een workshop fermentatie, want ik had geen uitnodiging ontvangen en heb de workshop gemist.

    Vriendelijke groet, Henny bakel

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